How to submit a paper (over)

Step 1: Go to the "Submit" page

You have 2 options:

  • "Create an account" - you will immediately receive an email in order to validate your account. Once validated, your account is ready for use.
  • "Log in" if you've already registered in the past. If you've lost your password, click on the "Forgotten password" button and enter either your id or email. You will need to log in everytime you're coming back on the website.

Step 2: Submit a paper

  1. Log in by using your username and password
  2. Click on "Submission" in the menu
  3. Click on "Submit a paper"
  4. Follow the guidelines and details indicated (4 steps) up to the final validation Overview / Submit.

Step 3: Check the confirmation email

Right after your submission, you will receive the confirmation email (with your submission number). 

Important: your AFSE membership status

Please note that your submission will not be handled if you have not registered as AFSE Member by February 1, 2018 and paid your subscription fees for year 2018. To become an AFSE member or to update your membership status, please go to the AFSE website.

* AFSE membership will also be required to be a speaker once your paper is accepted.


In case of further inquiries, please contact the Local Organizing Committee:

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